Study Agricultural Sciences at TUM
Shaping sustainable agriculture
TUM School of Life Sciences and Hans-Eisenmann-Forum work together in close collaboration.While the school is primarily responsible for teaching, Hans-Eisenmann-Forrum is responsible for research and representation of Agricultural Science at the Campus of Weihenstephan. Furthermore the Hans-Eisenmann-Forum offers discussion platforms for teaching and aids in offering constructive suggestions to the School.
Further information on study programs
Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences B.Sc.
Agrosystem Sciences M.Sc.
Agricultural Biosciences M.Sc.
AgriFood Economics, Policy and Regulation M.Sc. (Starting Winter 24/25)
Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences Student Association

The Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences Student Association is an organization by students for students. The members work together to shape life on campus and university policy. They are actively committed to the concerns and interests of students and promote exchange among students and with professors.
Lecture Series "Sustainable Land Use and Nutrition"
Since summer semester 2014, a lecture series on "Sustainable Land Use and Nutrition" has been offered in cooperation with the TUM School of Life Sciences.
This English-language lecture is aimed at all Master students at the Weihenstephan campus.
"The lecture series provides an overview on the various prespectives of sustainable land use and nutrition. An introduction establishes the structure of the module, which follows a supply chain. The production of commodities addresses: Availabilty of soil resources; ecology and history of landscapes; terrestrial ecology; horticultural products for sustainable nutrition; integrative land-use concepts; production technology. The distribution of commodities (transport , storage) is analyzed under the aspects of resource economics, after sustainability of processing. The distribution through trade and services is focussed by sustainable marketing concepts. Finally, consumer affairs are addressed by health aspects in the context of global nutrition; food safety; new designed food."