Crop Sciences
- Organic Agriculture and Agronomy, Prof. Kurt-Jürgen Hülsbergen
- Phytopathology, Prof. Ralph Hückelhoven
- Plant Breeding, Prof. Chris Carolin Schön
- Population Genetics, Prof. Aurelien Tellier
- Biotechnology of Horticultural Crops, Prof. Brigitte Poppenberger
- Crop Physiology, Prof. Gerd Patrick Bienert
- Precision Agriculture, Prof. Kang Yu
- Digital Agriculture, Prof. Senthold Asseng
- Plant Genetics, Prof. Dr. Peng Yu
For current research topics in Crop Sciences at HEF, please click here.
Livestock Sciences
- Physiology and Immunology, Prof. Dietmar Zehn
- Animal Nutrition and Metabolism, Prof. Julia Steinhoff-Wagner
- Reproductive Biotechnology, Prof. Benjamin Schusser
- Infection Pathogenesis, Prof. Friederike Ebner
- Livestock Systems, Prof. Mariana Rufino
For current research topics in Livestock Sciences at HEF, please click here.
- Terrestrial Ecology, Prof. Wolfgang Weisser
- Soil Science, Prof. Ingrid Kögel-Knabner
- Geomorphology and Soil Science, Prof. Jörg Völkel
- Aquatic Systems Biology, Prof. Jürgen Geist
- Urban Productive Ecosystems, Prof. Monika Egerer
- Soil Physics and Environmental Systems, Prof. Mohsen Zare
- Root-Soil-Interaction, Prof. Mutez Ali Ahmed
- Environmental Microbiology, Prof. Dr. Michael Schloter
For current research topics in Agroecology at HEF, please click here.
Agricultural Technology
- Agricultural Systems Engineering, Prof. Heinz Bernhardt
- Agrimechatronics, Prof. Timo Oksanen
- Geoinformatics, Prof. Thomas H. Kolbe
- Land Management, Prof. Walter de Vries
- Chemistry of Biogenic Resources, Prof. Volker Sieber
For current research topics in Agricultural Technology at HEF, please click here.
Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Production and Resource Economy, Prof. Johannes Sauer
- Economics of Horticulture and Landscaping, Prof. Vera Bitsch
- Marketing and Consumer Research, Prof. Jutta Roosen
- Governance in International Agribusiness, Prof. Luisa Menapace
- Environmental Economics and Agricultural Policy, Prof. Jutta Roosen (provisional management)
- Sustainability Assessment and Agricultural Systems, Prof. Dr. Livia Cabernard
For current research topics in Agricultural Economics at HEF, please click here.