In the light of climate change and the scarcity of agricultural land, Prof. Windisch highlighted how priorities should be set for land use in the future. Biomass should therefore be used extensively in the order "plate - trough - tank" in order to make the best possible use of the available agricultural land for human nutrition. "Climate-friendly agriculture is characterized by the fact that the production of plant-based food is in harmony with the production of animal-based food," says Prof. Windisch in his impulse. For example, the production of grain results in straw and bran, while grassland is not digestible for humans. Non-edible biomass is therefore a valuable resource that can be used by ruminants. " Dairy cows are one of our key answers to the climate crisis - we just need to bring them into the balance of the circular economy," summarized Prof. Windisch.
Following the keynote speech, representatives from the agricultural sector took part in a discussion:
- Dr. Ophelia Nick, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
- Heiner Brüning, Managing Director of Maschinenfabrik Bernard Krone and part-time farmer
- Kaspar Nielsen, Arla Foods
- Dr. Monika Zehetmeier, Bavarian State Institute for Agriculture (LfL)
- Martin Hofstetter, Greenpeace
- Matthias Everinghoff, milk producer from Lower Saxony
- Kirsten Wosnitza, milk producer from Schleswig-Holstein
About “Landwirtschaft im Dialog”
"Landwirtschaft im Dialog" is a discussion format of the agricultural journal top agrar for forming opinions on current agricultural issues. Politicians discuss controversial future topics in agriculture in a neutral setting with representatives from the agricultural industry, science, associations and non-governmental organizations. The aim of the series is to overcome the typical camp thinking and look for fact-based answers to complex questions.